The user can send and receive donations, tips, gifts or payments from and for anyone, anywhere and connected to any network as Twitter, Youtube, Email… etc, with the possibility of accepting donations and receive them all in the same currency, it is as simple as showing the QR code.

You can also accept donations for events and non-profit organizations. They may be public and provide a degree of transparency to them.

In many emergencies worldwide, as they may be natural disasters or accidents, Bitcoin donations give a quick international response. They can be made anywhere in the world in just seconds, without borders and without the excessive bank charges. You can receive and give financial support to any country in the world.


Accept donations with cryptocurrencies favors the transparency of the funds received, with the safety and anonymity of different users as they can decide to pay anonymously or to the public address. Added value since for NGOs or social organization is very important the transparency in its accounts.


Unlike the donations in FIAT currency where amounts can be a problem or sacrifice for many people, Bitcoin allow to receive donations of up to 0,0000001 BTC or what is the same small parts of Euro cents, an amount to donate available to a greater number of users


Cruz Roja, Save the Children, Heshima Children’s Center, Sierra Leone Liberty Group, Sonríe y crece and War Child are only a few NGOs operating in different countries around the world and support Bitcoin donations.