Good Morning, we expose our first post with news in english. This are for September,2014 Additional exchanges First we have updated the calculator commissions for changes between different currencies, we obtained an improvement in the contribution rate for some criptomonedas found in different exchanges but this has delayed us the time of calculation and comparison of the changes, response rates have fallen, but we are studying how to recover the data more quickly. En primer lugar hemos actualizado el calculador de comisiones para los cambios entre diferentes divisas, hemos obtenido una mejora en el tipo de cotización, para algunas criptomonedas que se encuentran en diferentes exchanges pero esto nos ha […]
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A big question as any new industry develops is how will things break down geographically. Will large international brands dominate the space, or will local knowledge be important enough to give regional players an advantage? And as I cover the bitcoin space, I think this is one of the greatest unanswered questions in the bitcoin startup ecosystem. Taking a quick step back, why might an industry tend towards larger or smaller players? Some examples of why industries with larger players develop Network Effects: You use Microsoft Office because everyone else uses it Brand Recognition: Coca Cola is everywhere even though they tailor to local tastes Technical Knowhow: British Petroleum (BP) […]