Updates and news in September 2014

Updates and news in September 2014

Good Morning, we expose our first post with news in english. This are for September,2014

Additional exchanges

First we have updated the calculator commissions for changes between different currencies, we obtained an improvement in the contribution rate for some criptomonedas found in different exchanges but this has delayed us the time of calculation and comparison of the changes, response rates have fallen, but we are studying how to recover the data more quickly.

En primer lugar hemos actualizado el calculador de comisiones para los cambios entre diferentes divisas, hemos obtenido una mejora en el tipo de cotización, para algunas criptomonedas que se encuentran en diferentes exchanges pero esto nos ha demorar el tiempo de cálculo y comparación de los cambios, la velocidad de respuesta ha descendido, pero estamos estudiando ya la forma de recuperara lo datos de una forma más rápida.

One pay, three clicks

Even if you’ve never worked with us can issue a payment with just three mouse clicks. We’ve eliminated the registration step, and refined the options available for increased usability and ease of use.

less conflict

Changed the policy directions for payments, although you calculate the costs at different times for different currencies, the addresses assigned to each payment not renewed so we prevent sending funds to address orphan. Additionally improved link for payment allowing the possibility of clicking on your own and run directly criptomoneda client in question.

more languages

We are already implementing translations into new languages​​, you want to know what? very easy, look at the bar all the way down and you will see where we are working and finalized. If you would like to collaborate on translation tasks please email us at [email protected] with your details and we will contact you, all help is welcome and if your contributions are good you’ll be rewarded for it;)

Pesetacoin Fudation

We started our collaboration with electronic currency Pesetacoin in principle they contacted us so that we include, but support, support and enthusiasm of its members have made us want to be partakers of his group is preparing big news for next week, date the official launch of the same. We will tell you some news on the blog and social networks.


As an innovative company in Spain we earn our respect and good performance, so we have become part of the Spanish Association of Digital Economy (Adigital)


The already known CalleBitcoin initiative is one of those things, you hear them talking and glancing from the start you are wondering where? When? How do ?. It was a shame I could not begin to work more closely with them before, but we have done our bit for this to go ahead and the Bitcoin community get the best possible feedback, the Madrid world may know a little more about the initiative. We will soon publish an article with more details and news about it.